Monday, May 26, 2014

Salmon baked in foil

Recipe of Salmon baked in foil and sautéed green beans

I love salmon. So much. It tastes good, it's easy to prepare, you can prepare it plenty of delicious ways, it has good ingredients, and it is just so good! I love to prepare it in aluminium foils, baked in the oven. We had the following recipe yesterday night, with sauteed green beans. We liked it. Hope you will like it too!

Recipe of Salmon baked in foil and sautéed green beans

Recipe of Salmon baked in foil and sautéed green beans

Recipe of Salmon baked in foil and sautéed green beans

Recipe of Salmon baked in foil and sautéed green beans

Recipe of Salmon baked in foil and sautéed green beans

Print recipe
Serving: 2    Prep Time: 30min    Passive time: 0min    Cook time: 20min


350g of salmon fillet, skinless, cut lengthwise in 2
1 courgette - zucchini, sliced
1 tomato, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
Salt and pepper
olive oil to cook


1. Preheat the oven at 200°C (400°F).

2. Dispose on a table a piece of kitchen foil big enough to wrap the salmon.

3. Drizzle a little bit of olive oil in the center of the foil. Make a bed with the slices of courgette on the top.

4. Dispose the salmon on the courgettes. Arrange slices of onions, tomatoes, and lemon on the top of the salmon. Add salt and pepper.

5. Wrap salmon in foil, making sure air cannot escape.

6. Bake for 15 to 25 min, depending on your oven, the size of your salmon, and how you like your salmon cooked (I know... it's a bit vague... sorry about that!). I personally goes for 20 min if the salmon is not too big. I like it rosé inside. I basically try to don't overcook it!

7. Be careful when you open the foil, very warm steam will escape!

Serve with:

Green beans! You can find a recipe here:

Bon appétit!


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